--- /dev/null
+// Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP -- This is a SPIP language file
+// Produit automatiquement par le plugin LangOnet a partir de la langue source fr
+// Module: souscription
+// Langue: en
+// Date: 22-01-2014 16:11:42
+// Items: 94
+if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
+$GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
+// B
+ 'bouton_exporter' => 'Export',
+// C
+ 'confirmer' => 'Confirm',
+ 'confirmer_creation_campagne' => 'Save',
+// E
+ 'erreur_adhesion_champ_obligatoire' => 'Please fill out this field for memberships',
+ 'erreur_champ_obligatoire' => 'Please fill out this filed',
+ 'erreur_code_postal_invalide' => 'Invalid postal code',
+ 'erreur_echec_creation_transaction' => 'Failed to create the transaction',
+ 'erreur_formulaire' => 'Form contains errors',
+ 'erreur_montant_invalide' => 'Invalid amount',
+ 'erreur_montant_specifie_invalide' => 'The specified amount is invalid',
+ 'erreur_pays_invalide' => 'Invalid country',
+ 'erreur_recu_fiscal_champ_obligatoire' => 'Please fill out this field (because of tax receipt asked)',
+ 'erreur_technique_formulaire' => 'Technical error: failed to prepare the transaction…',
+ 'erreur_telephone_invalide' => 'Invalid phone number',
+ 'explication_bloc_fiscal_adhesion' => 'The following information is necessary to became member:',
+ 'explication_bloc_fiscal_don' => 'The following information is necessary so we can deliver you a tax receipt',
+// L
+ 'label_adresse' => 'Adress',
+ 'label_avancement_campagne_adhesions' => 'Campain progress: @nombre@ over @objectif@!',
+ 'label_avancement_campagne_dons' => 'Campain progress: @montant@€ over @objectif@€!',
+ 'label_code_postal' => 'Postal code',
+ 'label_courriel' => 'E-mail',
+ 'label_don_groupe' => 'Donation',
+ 'label_envoyer_info' => 'Subscribe to the newsletter',
+ 'label_general_groupe' => 'General options',
+ 'label_legende_bloc_fiscal' => 'Additional information',
+ 'label_montant' => 'Amount',
+ 'label_montant_actuel' => 'Campain’s actuel level',
+ 'label_montant_libre' => 'Other amount:',
+ 'label_montant_liste' => 'Amount',
+ 'label_montants' => 'Amounts',
+ 'label_nom' => 'Name',
+ 'label_pays' => 'Country',
+ 'label_prenom' => 'First name',
+ 'label_recu_fiscal' => 'Receive a tax receipt',
+ 'label_statut' => 'Status',
+ 'label_telephone' => 'Phone',
+ 'label_ville' => 'City',
+// S
+ 'sous_titre_type_adhesions' => 'Membership campaign',
+ 'sous_titre_type_dons' => 'Donation campaign',
\ No newline at end of file